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  • Girl - Kid
  • Tags Photos/Images
  • Price Tag

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Retail Tag has Jelly Beans and Daisies on one side. Size Info, price, and sku/barcode on the other.

Easter 2000 and Easter 2001 have the same 4 dot c2000 garment tags.

If you have a retail tag you can determine which year your item was released:

  • Retail Tags (paper) released in 2000 have a code in the upper right corner that starts with KG or BG (Kid Girl, Baby Girl)
  • Retail Tags (paper) released in 2001 have a code in the upper right corner that starts with MHT
  • see blue arrow on image showing the code we are talking about.
  • additionally, Retail Tags (paper) released in 2000 have an image on the back of the tag i.e. the jellybeans/daisies.
  • Retail Tags (paper) released in 2001 are blank on the back side.

Item #

  • Slim
  • Regular
  • Husky/Plus

    Gymboree 4 Dot Tag c2000 Retail Tag Jelly Beans Daisies KGMT01A

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